
Before every function, marriage and family get-together one likes to look beautiful and slim it starts crash dieting. Sometimes our brain’s chemical serotonin is responsible for it we may have too much or too little of it. Some people do not have proper knowledge of what their body needs for proper functioning.

Others think that only costly food items are best for their body. Young ones are attracted towards ultra-processed foods as such food items are precisely formulated to stimulate our taste buds with just the right blend of sweet, salty, and fatty flavours. Such food does not release the harmonies of satisfaction and increases the craving for more. As a result, a person starts gaining weight.

At a young age body tries to cope with these poor eating habits but after crossing a certain limit body and mind start to revolt and the person starts feeling low and weak both physically and mentally. We know the connection between nutrition and a healthy body, but today we are going to discuss the relationship between nutrition and mental health. Depression is thought of as an emotionally rooted disease, but deficiency of some biochemicals initiates or plays a key role in the onset and increasing its duration.


A mentally healthy person is ready to solve the problems of life with a positive attitude towards life. A person however strong he may be, physically, is not considered healthy if he has a negative attitude towards life. Good nutrition significantly affects a person’s thinking process and mental health. Several nutritional deficiencies such as deficiency of vitamin B-12, B-9, and zinc can cause symptoms of depression, low mood, fatigue, cognitive decline and irritability.

Eating a diet rich, in fresh fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy food, lean meat and fish can lower the risk of mental health problems. Vitamin C, D, B Complex, Magnesium, Selenium, and Zinc salts play a major role in keeping our brain healthy. Brain depends upon glucose for energy which is derived from carbohydrates as whole grain foods. Whole grains have complex carbohydrates which are a steady supply of energy for normal brain function. Amino acids provide neurotransmitters, such as Dopamine, that help us to feel happy and motivated.

A large part of the brain is made up of fat, including Omega-3, and Omega-6, fatty acids. Our body can’t make fatty acids and vitamins by itself but it derives them from our food. Water is the most important nutrient for our body, even mild dehydration can create mental and physical health issues. To maintain our brain health, it is necessary to eat food rich in essential nutrients, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fatty acids with a good amount of water.


Healthy eating habits we must follow to maintain physical as well as mental health-

1-Ensure fibre-rich food as whole grains.

2-Keep healthy snacks around.

3-Take natural sugar.

4- Take fruits and vegetables of different colours.

5-Nuts and seeds such as walnuts almonds, peanuts, as well as sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

6-Fish contains omega -3 that boosts brain health.

7-Drink a lot of water

8- Never skip your breakfast.

9-Avoid processed meat, fried food, fast food, high-fat dairy products, cakes, pastries, refined cereals, cold drinks or soda.

Follow the 20-minute rule- our brain takes 20 minutes to receive signals from our stomach that it is full. So eating slowly, and chewing food well, not only promotes digestion but it prevents us from overeating too much. 
A healthy diet maintains a healthy brain and revitalizes our body. While a balanced diet should be our prime focus, supplements like omega-3, fatty acids, and vitamin-12 can complement our efforts. Consultation with a healthcare professional is a must before adding supplements to your routine, so best of luck for your journey toward a more healthy and positive lifestyle.

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