
Unlocking the Power of Happy Hormones!


Our brain has billions of neurotransmitters -certain types of chemical messengers, that convey information from neurons to target cells, are called Hormones. Whatever we feel, basically depends upon the hormones, our brain releases. chemical messengers that generate positive feelings in the body are called Happy Hormones, which can make our lives happy, healthy, and disciplined. These are responsible for the alignment of our body and mind. Their imbalance can make our lives hell. 

Our body releases four hormones in our bloodstream, which are responsible for our healthy mind and happy mood we collectively call them -HAPPY HARMONES. They are-Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphins, and Oxytocin.

Dopamine- this is called happy hormone, when our body stops producing optimum levels of dopamine, we feel depressed. We start to live alone and stop taking interest in other activities. In depression doctors give doses of dopamine to cure the mental state of the patient, he gets normal but these synthetic chemicals can’t take the place of natural dopamine released by body glands. Our mind releases dopamine a feel-good hormone when we fulfil any task or get appreciation and feel happy.

If someone under stress or anxiety starts doing and enjoying a negative task and his body releases dopamine, then his body demands that activity again and again to get that dose of dopamine. That’s how a bad habit is formed. It is necessary to train our minds to have enjoyment positively,


Endorphins-This hormone is a natural pain killer. Cardiovascular exercise, massage, eating, and sex, help to trigger this hormone. A healthy level of Endorphins helps to deal with physical pain, and its low level increases the risk of body aches, pains, sleep difficulties and addiction.

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Serotonin- This hormone plays a major role in controlling our mood. It regulates the sleep-wake cycle and contributes to well-being and happiness. It affects our emotions, appetite and digestion. Some foods may help to increase Serotonin levels, Tofu, Salmon, Nuts and seeds.

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Oxytocin -This is called love chemical because it is responsible for some positive emotions we feel during love. It is best known for its role in bonding and attachment. When a woman gives birth to a child, it floods in her blood. This hormone spikes during intimate activities like cuddling, kissing, massage and sex. If this hormone will is decreased from the normal level, the person may become indifferent, narcissistic or sadistic.

There are plenty of ways to trigger the release of happy hormones. We may include some activities in our daily routine to get these hormones to circulate in our bloodstream.

  • Visualization of happy moments
  • Exercising
  • Spending time with friends
  • Watching comedies
  • Taking a nap
  • Dancing or singing
  • Meditating
  • Getting a massage
  • Having sex
  • Doing any positive activity you like or in which you feel satisfaction.

Making sure to include all such activities along with a duly positive mindset can help you utilise the best of what the said happy hormones can do for us on the whole!!

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