
Understanding the ‘why’ behind Scolionophobia

School avoidance is not uncommon for children, every child resists going to school once in a while but if a child continuously complains and avoids school, parents should take note. The best way is to become proactive and catch the problem at the initial stage, the longer the child misses school, the harder it becomes to reintegrate the child into school. There can be various reasons for school phobia, it may be teachers, classmates, bus drivers, learning problems, social anxiety and many others. 


Where it all begins…

At school time, the child starts reporting problems like headaches or stomach, these symptoms, when appear only at school time indicate that the child is avoiding school. Anxiety may manifest in the form of physical problems. Parents should not overlook these medical problems but on the other hand, try to understand the psychological issues of their child.

Stranger anxiety: Child may experience a form of distress when exposed to strangers. So let your child mix up with others at home, or play with other children. It will help them fight with fear of strangers and they will feel comfortable in school. If the child copes with any anxious situation give a small reward. It will help him to learn that he may cope with difficult situations.


Separation anxiety: Being thrust into an environment where parents are not around can create anxiety in a child. So prepare your child to be apart from you for a short period at first and then increase the duration of separation. Hug your child when you return, he will feel confident that you will be back.

Fear of completing school work: Children have an intense fear of completing schoolwork. Help your child to prepare for challenges like class tests, projects or homework. Teach him if he needs help with any subject. Check his class work, and attend parent-teacher meetings regularly.


Bullying, teasing or threats of physical harm from other children may create fear in a child so they start to repel from school. Parents should observe the changes in the child’s behaviour and meet his friends. They should talk with their children about games period or other activities of their class. They can sense the behavioural changes of their child if any. They should immediately meet the Principal and tackle the problem.

Long Absence: After a long absence, summer break or illness, the child may be having a hard time making the transition back to school.


Having Fun: The main factor is to make school a better place to stay. No homework, no study, only play may attract a child to stay at home preferably. So make discipline at home don’t let the child enjoy or play during school time.

Work with the teacher: Teachers are the best observers. Ask them about the child’s behaviour in school, whether he participates in class activities or sits idly. Whether he likes to play with friends or he sits alone. They may suggest ways to reintegrate the child into school.


In conclusion, recognizing and addressing scolionophobia early is crucial for a child’s well-being and academic success. By actively engaging with their child, understanding the underlying fears, and working collaboratively with teachers and school staff, parents can help create a supportive environment that encourages their child to overcome their school-related anxieties. With patience, empathy, and proactive measures, children can gradually build confidence, resilience, and a positive attitude towards school, paving the way for a successful and fulfilling educational journey.

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