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When your child gets poor grades…

The end of March comes with the end of the session in most schools in India and brings along with it; the result time. All parents wait for their children’s report cards eagerly, it is a period of stress for most of them. Parents are disheartened when they receive lower exam results from school than expected. On the other hand, the child is also disappointed and upset.

It is a very natural reaction but parents have to put down their disappointments and think about the child’s mental condition. I know it is a difficult situation, but this is not the end of the world. At this time it is important to help your child with a positive mindset. What parents should avoid at such times-

Don’t get angry- you might be feeling angry but it is wise to calm down, as a child may be already upset. In such a situation he might create a negative self-image. If he imagines himself as a failure, he will lose his confidence in further studies.

Do not criticize him in front of others-never criticize your child in front of others but discuss his weak points personally with him. Then he will listen to your advice respectfully.


Do not compare him with others. Every child is unique, comparing him with others will dishearten him, and may prove harmful for his future.

Avoid using discouraging sentences like never hear, you always make silly mistakes.

What parents should do -Calm down, take a deep breath, remember your childhood when you used to make silly mistakes, and smile.

Above all realize what your child needs at this time is your unconditional love, support and belief. Hug him. Believe me, if you save his face, he will get up again with more confidence to achieve his goals. After some time when he feels normal, explain to him honestly your feelings. Make an action plan with him and encourage him to start again. Don’t show your resentment at him but at his actions.

Steps to be taken:

Teach them to know that it takes a lot to get to a good place in life.

Discuss your child’s difficulties he is facing in study, if it is in a particular subject, take the help of his subject teacher.

Attend PTMs regularly, to know about the progress of your child.

Help them in their studies, and provide them with the best study conditions at home.

Help your child to develop a clear set of goals.

Praise his efforts to motivate them.

Why students may get poor grades:

Health issues. Due to poor health, some students remain absent from school, and they can’t complete their syllabus.

Test anxiety.

Ineffective learning habits.

Lack of preparation


Lack of focus

Poor handwriting

Parents should also learn about their peer group and the child’s habits.

It is also a possibility that the child may be suffering from ADHD, Autism, Memory problems, weak eyesight or hearing problems. Looking at poor performance in class results, parents should be alert and start investing their time and energy for the betterment of their child.

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